If you’re a teacher, this is for you!

Did you know that if you join the PIA+ program to study a language at the EOI, you can get free enrollment?

In which languages and levels?

All levels of German, Arabic, Korean, Basque, French, Modern Greek, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese.

Levels B2.1, B2.2, C1, C2.1, and C2.2 of English.

Level C2 of Catalan.

What is the cost?

At the time of enrollment, you must pay the corresponding fee or charge.

If you obtain a passing grade at the end of the course, you can request a refund of the enrollment fee (only one enrollment per teacher).

You can check public prices and fees here.

Who is eligible?

Active teachers from public, semi-public, and municipal schools with an xtec email address.

What is the procedure?

  1. Teachers must follow the standard access, pre-registration, and/or enrollment procedure as indicated by the EOIs. The conditions for obtaining a place at an EOI and the procedure will be the same as for any other applicant.
  2. The email to be used for enrollment must be the xtec email and the indication that the applicant wishes to participate in the PIA+ program. It is essential to present the valid teacher ID each year to the center’s secretary, sending it to matricula@eoibd.cat.

And for taking the C2 level of Catalan?

The procedure is the same as indicated for the other languages. Here are the schedules (all are semi-presential courses: one day a week of in-person class and the rest, online work).

Course Group Schedule Days Teacher
C2 09:30ST-34 09:30 – 11:45 Tuesday Rodríguez, Maria
C2 11:45ST-34 11:45 – 14:00 Tuesday Rodríguez, Maria
C2 16:15SJ-38 16:15 – 18:30 Thursday Huguet, Aina
C2 16:15ST-38 16:15 – 18:30 Tuesday Huguet, Aina
C2 18:30SJ-38 18:30 – 20:45 Thursday Gomàriz, Eva
C2 18:30ST-38 18:30 – 20:45 Tuesday Gomàriz, Eva

Did you know you can now request a refund of the enrollment fees for the 2023-2024 course if you joined the PIA+ program?

The application must be completed by the interested person through the generic processor at Gencat Procedures via this link to the procedure sheet: https://educacio.gencat.cat/ca/tramits/tramits-temes/devolucio-matricula-pia

Teachers who obtain a passing grade or a certificate of completion (if it is an Updating enrollment) can request a refund of the enrollment fee.


  • The period to fill in and send the tax refund applications is from July 1st to July 12th.
  • You must read each section of the procedure before filling in and sending the application.