
Public schools which are dependent on the Catalan Government have to develop a series of internal documents. Some of these documents are internal and others may be relevant for the whole school community in order to know each school works:

  • The School Board’s Project is the “program” with which the headmaster participates in the selection process and it is a central instrument for the school’s autonomy. Once the School Board have been appointed, the implementation of the School Board’s Project orientates and links the activities of both the single-person governing bodies and the collegiate bodies of the school.
  • The Rules for the Organisation and Operation of the School (NOFC, in Catalan), which are a part of the Education Project, is the document containing the rules governing the organization and interrelationships of school life, that is, it makes the school structure explicit, it defines the school links and contains the duties, rights and responsibilities of the different sectors that make up the school. This document outlines the procedures, adapts general regulations to the specific reality of the EOIBD and establishes those elements which are specific to our school. The document is now in preparation and those parts which are of interest to students will be uploaded once they are approved.
  • The Linguistic Project defines the use of the different languages ​​in the school and specifies their specific application.