Plan of studies
General Teaching Goals at the EOIs
The Reial Decret 1041/2017 (LOMCE) lays out the new curriculum to be implemented at leves intermediate B1 and intermediate B2 as of the academic year 2018-19. The new curriculum for levels A2, advanced C1 and advanced C2 will be rolled out in later years. Therefore, during the academic year 2018-19 both curriculums will coexist.
Non-general language education is aimed at people who, having acquired basic skills in general education, need throughout their adult life to acquire or improve skills in one or more foreign languages, both for general and specific purposes, and obtain a certificate of their level of proficiency in these languages.
These aims lead to using a model of language use as a basis for education. This involves the development and activation of both general skills and linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic skills. This view of language, in line with the reference levels developed by the Council of Europe, forms the basis for the goals, course content and assessment criteria that all EOIs apply.
The EOI curriculum lays out the language teaching goals, which are for students to acquire skills for the effective use of the language as a means for general communication.
A new curriculum has been set out for the Catalan for foreigners course in the Resolution EDU/1707/2010, which divides the teaching of Catalan into 6 courses: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, C1 and C2.
Following the introduction of the C1 level for English, French and German, a new curriculum for this level was published in the Resolution ENS/1365/2012.
The EOIs teach through courses lasting from 130 to 145 hours each. The number of courses varies for each language.
English (7 courses)
- Basic Level: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B1: 1 course
- Intermediate Level B2: 2 courses
- C1 Level: 1 course
- C2.1 Level: 1 course
French, German and Italian (6 courses)
- Basic Level: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B1: 1 course
- Intermediate Level B2: 2 courses
- C1 Level: 1 course
Basque, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish (5 courses)
- Basic Level: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B1: 1 course
- Intermediate Level B2: 2 courses
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, korean and Russian (6 courses)
- Basic Level: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B1: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B2: 2 courses
Catalan (6 courses)
- Basic Level: 2 courses
- Intermediate Level B1: 1 course
- Intermediate Level B2: 2 courses to be taken in one academic year
- C1 Level: 1 course
- C2 Level: 1 course
University Credits
Catalan universities can award EOI courses a number of elective language credits. Please inquire at your faculty office about the procedure and how many university credits are awarded.